Sunday, February 17, 2008

My Last Day in Canada

Well, the last 24 hr countdown has begun. I have to turn in my luggage today, and try to survive on a carry on bags worth of stuff! not! I have a bag that Derek is going to bring home for me! haha! Edmonton is just as we remember, dirty, windy, but its warm here, and sunny! We went for lunch yesterday with Sandy and she surprised me with a visit from CJ! So sneaky! It was great to catch up with old friends! Then we ventured out to see Mom and Hugh, Gramma, Todd and Brit, it was a great night! I swear I gained 5 lbs yesterday! But always hard to keep saying goodbye to people. But a great night nonetheless!
So today is my last full day with Derek until June, we are having date day, so the phone will be turned off, my computer gets shipped out today so I won't have to worry about emails or anything for atleast a few days!
Anyway, so the next time you hear from me, I will be overseas. Again!
Lots of love, and thanks for all your support in getting me ready to go! Its meant alot! Please keep an eye on my hubby for me!
Mary Ann

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